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National Novel Writing Month is April 2023! NaNoWriMo was built off one challenge: write 50,000 words in one month. Now, NaNoWriMo is coming to INK Magazine at TA! INK Magazine challenges you to join NaNoWriMo and write 50,000 words. 


Click the link below to learn more about NaNoWriMo or sign up for an account to track your writing progress. Share your writing progress with INK and share your story in our e-Magazine chapter by chapter!


Need inspiration or help? Keep reading to see how INK Magazine can inspire your writing journey!

Image by Hannah Olinger

Writer's Workshop

April 11, 2023

3:00pm - 4:00pm

SB 202


Join us for an afternoon of writing and workshopping! Need help with character development? Want a second set of eyes editing? Can't figure out your next plot point? INK Magazine is hosting a writer's workshop to help! This 30 minute workshop time will be followed by a 30 minute "writing rush." Can you write 500 words in 30 minutes?


Knowing where to start can be hard! 

Our columnists have you covered. We've drafted up some writing prompts to get your creative ideas started, along with a few solo writing activities to get you thinking. 


Activity 1: Character Who, What, When Where

Draw a concept map. Who is the main character? What major conflict are they going to go through? When does this take place in their life? Where are they from? After drafting that out, add on more! Who is the closest person in their life? What's their happiest memory? When were they born? Where are they now (same as where they're from)?


Activity 2: 5 Minute Write

Pick a question below and set a timer for 5 minutes. For those 5 minutes, don't stop writing, even to backtrack or edit! Whatever comes to mind, write it down.


A) Write a dialogue between your main character and someone trying to sell them a product they don't want.


B) Describe what your character sees in the morning when they first wake up.


C) How does your character react when they face conflict? Write down how they feel internally when in the face of a small annoyance or challenge.


Starter Writing Prompts

"I was walking down the empty sidewalk. The sun was beating down on me..."


"Our class entered the old, crumbling colosseum. The summer heat of Italy was overwhelming. The class, tired and hungry, reluctancy followed the tour guide to the center. The tour guide was explaining the grand architecture when..."

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